Letters to the Editor

Property Tax Relief

By Huckleberry Press / April 15, 2022 /

somewhere in the neighborhood of $9000. You can’t buy a used pickup that runs for that price today. Over the years I bought another house, got transferred and managed to buy another. All those years I paid the property taxes, which supported the schools and the streets. My wife and I now have a small place that may be our last. We have a fixed income and because the housing market has gone mad and sales prices are so high, the values go up and so do the taxes.

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Mr. Hyde Convicted

By Huckleberry Press / November 30, 2017 /

by Tim Rasmussen, Stevens Country Prosecutor   Ten years ago last May, a trial was completed in Superior Court.  The jury convicted Gregory Lee Hyde of Chewelah of 1st Degree…

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Letters to the Editor…State of Liberty

By Huckleberry Press / November 25, 2017 /

Writing from the perspective of being a private property owner, I have to say that the Hirst Decision was the single worst decision made in the history of the State! …

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Land Use Regulations

By Huckleberry Press / February 13, 2017 /

by Stevens Country Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen   Some time ago, I had a visit from some folks who own land in Stevens County. The land had been an old home site many…

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Course Correction

By Huckleberry Press / February 13, 2017 /

by Robert Peck I recently discovered a pamphlet in a pile of materials on my desk that was waiting to be sorted. The pamphlet contained the text of a speech…

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Voluntary Stewardship Program

By Huckleberry Press / November 3, 2016 /

by Property Rights Rep. for the Stevens County VSP Voting Board, Rene’ Holaday If you have not heard of the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP), and you participate in any form…

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From Our Readers: Les Schneiter, Addy Volunteer Fire Department

By Huckleberry Press / October 9, 2016 /

I have had the privilege of serving with Les Schneiter in the Addy Volunteer Fire department over the past 14 years. I have never worked with anyone who has dedicated…

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Government Land Management

By Huckleberry Press / March 24, 2016 /

As many know, the federal government’s management of forest land in our region is being reviewed through the formal process of plan revision. Our County Commissioners have been attentively overseeing…

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Omnibus Bill

By Huckleberry Press / January 18, 2016 /

I would urge voters to go to PBS.org/Frontline and watch the 45 minute video “Escaping ISIS”. It documents what ISIS does to non-believers and that women, as young as 9…

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Dependency of Politicians

By Huckleberry Press / December 17, 2015 /

When corruption becomes universal, it appears normal. Our elections seem normal. Few question the legitimacy of a government whose politicians are dependent on billionaires. The people get to vote, so…

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