Pattie Discovers Washington … RETREAT, REST & RECHARGE

By Patricia Elwing, Edwall, WA

Patricia Elwing

Hello Friends of the Columbia Basin,

Spring has arrived and Memorial Day weekend 2021, was considered to be the first mask-less holiday of the pandemic. TSA recorded the highest number of airport travelers since the start of the pandemic. While Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States, reserved for honoring the US military personnel who have died in service, and reflection of the ultimate price of freedom…it is also a big 3-day weekend and folks make use of that time!

The beautiful weather in Eastern Washington in late May, brought people out of their homes and into the outdoors. Earlier this year, a dear friend and neighbor, knowing I was new to this area, suggested planning ahead for this Memorial Day weekend. She suggested a camping trip to nearby Fort Spokane and went online to reserve spaces for our first camp out of the year. After the excitement of planning and enjoying my wedding in Maui on May 8th, and the amount of work that goes into planning a destination wedding, I was grateful to have a reserved campground site along Lake Roosevelt at Fort Spokane, just 32 miles from my front door! This is a wonderful campground with nearby boat ramps, beaches and restroom facilities. We had daily visits from the local woodpecker and Eagle sightings. The campsite was quiet by 10pm and it was peaceful and not too overcrowded. I took time to sit in silence and gaze up at the starry sky, take walks and relax outdoors. It gave me a chance to feel into this area a bit more. There is history in this land and right in my own backyard.

Fort Spokane Campground
Fort Spokane Campground

This campground is full of shady trees and well-kept sites. While there are no RV hookups, there is an easily accessed grey and black water dumping stations. Although I did not make it to the well-known Fort Spokane Store & Restaurant, I plan to do so next time. Overall, we enjoyed the company of friends, camping, and even some boat problems. Ha! (For reservations go to and search Fort Spokane Campground, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area).

When was your last retreat into nature just to rest and recharge?

Over many years working in salons, spas, therapy clinics and yoga studios, I know the importance of taking time for one-self. This led me to teach, attend and lead retreats in many beautiful places in California, South Africa, Greece, and Bali, Indonesia. The key element in all of these retreats has always been Nature, the Great Healer.

Are you in need of a vacation, but are more in alignment with a “stay-cation.” Would you like to experience the benefits of retreat with little or no cost to you? All it takes is committing to a few hours or one personal day where you allow your activities to be about receiving. Receiving through a massage or bodywork, walking outdoors, sitting outdoors and watching the sunset or sunrise. In short, more focus on being, and a lot less energy spent doing. Here are 11 hacks to quickly raise your vibrational frequency, so you can feel as though you’ve had a retreat. You may surprise yourself with the results. If you do, I encourage you to let me know. Please feel free to share comments and feedback at the HBP online version of this article.

11 Hacks to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Gratitude: Bouts of Gratitude (write down 3 things you are grateful for in this moment). Being thankful for what you already have and are experiencing in your life.
24-hour challenge: Say nothing negative.
Meditation: Strengthen the frontal lobe, 10 min = Release Dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins.
Water: Drink it, soak in it, swim in it, sit near it! Soak for 20 minutes with salts (approx. 1 cup, of sea salt, Epsom salt, Himalayan salt) cleanses your energetic system (chakras). Take a shower with intention to clear off the old and allow it to go down the drain.
Energetic Nourishment: LIVE food (i.e., fruits and vegetables).
Music: Audio frequency, binaural beats, drumming, sound baths, humming, toning with your own voice. Tuning forks, crystal singing bowl, Tibetan Bells/Bowls, Gongs…
Crystal energy: hold and surround yourself with these minerals.
De-Clutter: Let go and get rid of material things that no longer bring you joy. This makes room for angels to enter. Our physical surroundings are a mirror of our internal emotional state.
Movement: Move your body! Dance, jog, shake it off, or my all-time favorite, yoga!
Random acts of kindness: There is a saying that goes, “you get to keep what you give away.” Being in service of others is the key to finding your joy, your life purpose and an internal vibrational resonance with all that is.
Nature: Natural light, natural air, nature sounds.

It is my hope that this article encourages readers to set aside time to retreat into nature, rest and recharge. Gift yourself a personal day for mental health and well-being. Take a reset to raise your vibrational frequency. Your relationship with yourself, your spouse, family, co-workers and your overall fulfillment in life depends on it.


Patricia “Pattie” Elwing has been working in the healing arts in Northern California since 1998. Having utilized a variety of modalities to assist people in wellness for the body, mind and spirit, her focus now is to be in service to others through sound healing and sharing information such as this article. Pattie offers sound healing to groups through soundbaths online and in person as well as individual Biofield Tuning sessions. Follow Pattie @Celestial Touch Healing Arts on Facebook. For more information on sound healings or to schedule a personal session
email Pattie: