Before we were married, one of my husband and my favorite date night activities was picking up a to-go order from the Thai restaurant down the street and watching old episodes of the Rockford Files.
Read MoreDo you have a family member that you love to talk with because they make you laugh or set you straight or give awesome advice? Family that just being with them makes your day? That’s how it is with my family, we’re loud and we laugh and when we’re together we’re even louder and laugh even harder.
Read MoreMark your calendars! Save the date! August 21 is a special day for celebration. Hunters Community and 4-H Fair, the oldest one-day fair in Washington State, will celebrate its 111th birthday.
Read MoreFor over 20 years, I worked with members of the community of people with cognitive disabilities, trying to sow the seeds of understanding, acceptance and inclusion in the garden of mainstream society.
Read MoreSpring has arrived and Memorial Day weekend 2021, was considered to be the first mask-less holiday of the pandemic. TSA recorded the highest number of airport travelers since the start of the pandemic. While Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States, reserved for honoring the US military personnel who have died in service, and reflection of the ultimate price of freedom…it is also a big 3-day weekend and folks make use of that time!
Read MoreWhen you begin your journey towards a healthier diet, you start to change some of your old eating habits to account for proper and more balanced nutrition. However, this is often forgotten when dining out.
Read MoreAccording to Webster, the definition of salvage is “the saving or rescuing of possessions in danger of being lost.” Gerri Johnson, who owns and manages Farm Salvation with her husband Randy, seems to have found her calling in salvaging and sharing items in danger of being lost.
Read MoreAre you considering jumping into this hot seller’s real estate market? Are you thinking that your best service and best reach for advertising is to go with a large, national firm? Think again. You can have just as broad reach, support a local business, and know your best interests are being served by choosing Katz Realty. Just ask Katz Realty owner, Patrick Katz.
Read MoreMotorists driving past MyChoice Clinic on North Ash Street might be forgiven for missing it. At first glance, the classic American Foursquare house nestled behind stately trees and pristine foundation plantings looks like someone’s home — until you see the sign.
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