Davenport Care and Share Food Bank and Thrift Store is a community based concept that was begun with love and compassion for fellow community members in need. At this time the Food Bank is serving about 900 clients with all of the proceeds from Thrift Store sales going toward buying food to give out.
Some wonderful news has arrived. They were able to raise enough money to buy a building on the South side of the 300 block of Morgan (Hwy 2), kitty corner from Edna’s Drive In. The current location at the end of 13th Street is just too small. They hope to open at the new location on Dec 1, 21 with volunteers working like crazy to pack up and set up everything in a more user-friendly setting. Everyone is looking forward to the move into larger quarters.
The office phone number is 509 725-1222 and gives hours and basic information. They offer free food every week to all members of the community, upon registering and showing proof of residency. They also offer clothing, to any member of the community, for a small donation. These are good quality items that have been screened and are ready to wear. The store is currently only open on Wednesdays from 11 til 4 but the store will open hopefully on Saturdays to further serve the community if the volunteer base is able to do it at the new location. This is a perfect opportunity for those with available time to help Care and Share serve our community a little more. Just a few hours each week can help tremendously.

Inside the old, small store happy customers politely squeeze by each other and go through the bulging racks of clothing and the inventory of household goods. Cindy Warner, Care and Share President, says they have now found a much larger facility, in downtown Davenport so that they can provide expanded, better service to our community. They are currently looking to the community for donations to acquire shelving, toilet and sink for the bathroom, a hot water tank, and a garage heater. There is an account set up at Wheatland Bank ready to accept any size donation. ANY amount will be greatly appreciated. Since it is a non-profit organization, donations are tax deductible. In addition, if a donor wishes to mail a check, it can be sent to: Care and Share, 1001 13th street, Davenport, Wa 99122. Cindy can be reached at 509 725-0223 for questions, volunteering, or donation information. Pastor Steve McLachlan, Care and Share Treasurer, can be reached at 509 721-0830 for additional information.
This organization has been serving our community for a number of years and has seen the need grow with the change in the economy and especially with the ongoing issue of Covid and the restrictions it has brought. Volunteers have delivered boxes of food to community members who have been kept home by sickness. Without volunteers, this caring organization could not function.
There are currently a few volunteers who spend Wednesdays and several other days each week sorting and hanging clothing, filling food boxes for clients, and organizing small appliances and other donations received. They are all very excited about the much larger new building.
The warmth that the volunteers feel while involved in this project enhances their lives and makes the days of volunteering filled with camaraderie. Currently, a group of Latter Day Saints youth are helping on alternate Wednesdays, filling a great need. It’s a good opportunity for giving to our community in such a caring way. Volunteers Connie, Pat, Erin, Ranae, and several others have many things in common but mostly the desire to serve the community. Connie, Vice President of Care and Share, has spent a few years doing many of the chores and deciding that she likes sorting the clothing and ensuring they are carefully hung on the racks in the proper sections. She is always willing to help and enjoys seeing the nice clothing and nik-naks that the community donates. Pat says she loves helping customers find things they need or want. That makes her day. Ranae has been doing volunteer work for more than 30 years and will continue as long as she feels she can help. Erin bounces around the thrift store keeping things neatly arranged in their categories. She is always happy to help anyone who wants assistance.
Everyone is welcome to shop at the thrift store. It is a treasure trove of interesting and valuable items. It is the only one in Davenport. Suggested donation amounts are posted around the shop, but it is up to the individuals how much they deposit in the cash box.
Food for Care and Share comes from several sources. 2nd Harvest and NW Harvest are the two primary donors of food, mostly commodities. In addition, Safeway donates what is called “rescue foods,” which are goods taken off the shelves before their expiration date. Food is also accepted from the community itself as long as it is unopened and not expired. Fresh garden vegetables are also greatly appreciated. People often grow more in their gardens than they can use in anticipation of donating it to the Food Bank, a wonderful and healthy addition to the foods available to the public. Just a thought: if you simply cannot volunteer, how about growing a few extra vegetables this next year so they can be donated to the Food Bank? You will touch a lot of lives.
This Care and Share organization is a boon for our community and is all brought about by volunteer help, by the community donating usable clothing, small appliances, and, of course, by the larger organizations that donate the much needed food. They all come together to make the organization work effectively and efficiently, able to serve the community. And now they will have a bigger building to house and distribute their inventory of food and also have more room for the thrift store to expand. We’ll see you in December!
Elsie Eide Kelly is a Lincoln County resident who has been a recipient of this community’s kindness and help.