Search Results: amber jensen

From the Dirt Road

By Huckleberry Press / November 3, 2019 /

I have driven by the car so many times — too many to count really. I’ve witnessed the frosted blankets covering the windows on chilly mornings.

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All Wrapped UP

By Huckleberry Press / March 21, 2019 /

by Amber Jensen When I was a little girl I got super excited when I got to stamp the packages. I’d stand in the cold building, stained white cotton gloves,…

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This ones for you!

By Huckleberry Press / February 13, 2019 /

by Amber Jensen, This is for the single people wondering what all the fuss is about. It’s for the couple that weathered the storms of decades and now sits…

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In the Light of the Tree

By Huckleberry Press / December 13, 2018 /

by Amber Jensen   The celebration of holidays shifts as we age and move through the seasons of life. There are so many gifts to be had in each shifting…

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An excerpt from ‘This is Dirt’: ‘The Betterroots’’

By Huckleberry Press / May 31, 2018 /

Photos and article by Amber Jensen   This year, again, I observe in reverence, a flower that means so much to me for no particular reason.   For me, the…

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Chris Morse, MTFU and Making a Difference in Real Time

By Huckleberry Press / April 19, 2018 /

by Amber Jensen   “This group has taught me so much in the last few months! It’s reminded me how good it feels to lend a hand just because everybody…

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MTFU Loon Lake Search and Rescue!

By Huckleberry Press / April 19, 2018 /

by Amber Jensen   On March 27th, Loon Lake residents, Brent and Michele Sainsbury, got the call no parent wants to receive. A call from their 13-year-old daughter, Ana’s school…

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Dave Varabioff, Spokane Man with the Midas Touch

By Huckleberry Press / March 8, 2018 /

by Amber Jensen   The Colorado Quartz mine in Mariposa, CA is a gold prospector’s dream come true. As one of the world’s most famous gold mines, it is hailed…

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Cannafest 2018

By Huckleberry Press / November 2, 2017 /

by Amber Jensen   As we say farewell to the long light and warmth of summer we also bid adieu to one of our favorite past-times – festivals.   No…

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Flowers Tell a Story

By Huckleberry Press / April 27, 2022 /
Nova Zaro

As Mother’s Day approaches many of us start thinking about ordering flowers for the mothers in our lives. Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day account for the largest commercial production and consumer purchase of flowers all year. Imagine, how many flowers have to hit the floral markets by February 14th and mid-May. I hadn’t considered the environmental impact of these two holidays until a recent conversation with an organic cut flower farmer, Nova Zaro, owner of Earth Angel Flower Farm.

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