Amber Jensen is a lifelong writer and storyteller. She has built her word muscles day-jobbing as a content strategist and copywriter for a creative branding firm. Working the angles of different writing styles and what appeals to readers has given her a growth edge outside of general non-fiction or fiction writing. Coupled with years of continued education and ontological training, her prose makes its own path.

Amber Jensen, Author
Shaping and sharing experiences through linguistic artistry is something for which Amber holds deep reverence. Her desire to contribute to others through transparency and dripping authentic storytelling is what has her words stand out as otherworldly.
Amber makes her home on a piece of dirt in Eastern Washington, with her four wild children and adventurous husband. Whether she’s writing from her phone near her family or down in the dirt building rivers and roads with her children, she does so while constantly observing the condition of being human.
She has created a life of dirt and adventure and contributes as much as she can to others so that they may see the beauty in their own life dirt.
Look for Amber’s future works of both non-fiction and fiction and learn more about her dirt road philosophy and upcoming title releases at
Synopsis of “This is Dirt” by Amber Jensen:
Why dirt?
Dirt is what we move in, live in and what we share.
I think of dirt as life, love and the experiences that we often feel like no one else understands.
In sharing down in the dirt struggles, the process of accepting incompleteness, and even sharing the dirt that often gets hidden or swept under the rug, my aim is contribution.
Part of being human is to experience ourselves as human amongst other humans doing what humans do.
Without real sharing, we’re all just machines, auto-piloting around – staring at our phones, swiping through life – hoping to connect with something real and honest.
When I see someone in their dirt – the smile in their eyes – and hear the laughter in the wind, it’s then that I feel the tug at my heart, the tether of connection and I experience being human with them.
This is dirt.