“If there were more Shawn Biggs’ in the word it would truly be a much better place.” -Ian Surginer
I’m not sure of a more fitting surname than Biggs for this amazing hero. Yes, he wears a big shirt, has big pants, he drives a big truck and even his presence is big. Yet his most endearing quality is the size of his heart. Needless to say, it’s big. You couple that heart, and a passion for helping others and an ability to inspire action in those around you and you get big impact. One day at a time he makes the world a better place.
The full list of Shawn’s hero work is literally impossible to list. Shawn and his 10yo son delivered backpacks to the homeless with Rick Clark. That led to making coffee, buying 100 burgers, 100 fries then handing them out to the homeless. His niece and his son participated. Many impatient customers donated to his cause after explaining what he was doing. The man is creating social change.
He is on the board of trustees at Meals on Wheels and while delivering meals he noticed that many on his route didn’t have yard care. Subsequently, he organized a group of men/families via MTFU and promptly took care of 45 seniors’ yards. That led to him organizing the repair of a set of broken concrete steps with donated materials and skills.

Shawn and Cade Percival-DeFord from the MTFU group putting up flags the Friday before Memorial Day at the Veteran’s Cemetery in Medical Lake.
He was there on Memorial Day at the Veteran’s Cemetary in Medical Lake to place flags and banners for the fallen soldiers. He helped welcome vets home at the airport. He’s part of the MTFU suicide prevention team where he personally gave a ride to a man to get him the professional help he needed. He drove to tri cities to help a stranded mom and her kids.
“Shawn Biggs is the man I think of who is first to take action for MTFU. In any situation we have he tries to be there first. If not physically present, then he is behind the scenes getting it done” -Chris Morse.
This is only the stuff he has spoken about. Knowing Shawn, there are myriad good deeds that remain untold. This mountain of a man with an even bigger heart is someone we should all strive to be like. Thank you Shawn!
Heeling Hands Massage LLC & The Huckleberry Press are proud to bring you the Hometown Heroes feature. One worthy individual, nominated by the community and best representing the spirit of a Hometown Hero, is chosen each month to receive a free one- hour massage by Brianna Oleson at Heeling Hands Massage in Reardan, WA. Do you know someone who exemplifies what it means to be a Hometown Hero? A fantastic firefighter? A terrific teacher? A community member whose love for their town is easily seen and demonstrated? Tell us who you think deserves a one hour massage and why! Send your nominations to [email protected] by the 1st of each month and watch for the next Hometown Hero announcement!