From the Editor: Regarding Coronavirus and Our Community

By Val Mohney, Huckleberry Press Editor

What does one write when it seems like the entire world is melting down? Trust me when I say…I wish I knew. I have fears to contend with. Will our business survive? Will we go hungry? Will my aging mother be okay? How long is this going to last? What is going to happen to our country? How long will my toilet paper supply hold out?

What are we to do? I don’t yet know. I imagine the answers will come to us and one way or another, we’ll get through this.

How we get through this is the question. Who are we going to be as people as we navigate the challenges presented to us on individual, community, national and global levels? How are we going to support each other? What solutions are we going to create?

As I investigate these questions for myself, I’m trying to keep an eye on the possibilities, on how we can flourish in a challenging environment. I’m endeavoring to focus on what I can do and who I can help. I’m definitely appreciating the strength of my relationships. Now is a great time to let people know we’ve been thinking of them, that we love them and that we are grateful for the time we’ve shared. The pandemic is highlighting the value of our friends, family and professional relationships. Something about “social distancing” has made vivid the necessity and worth of sticking together and creating an even more tight-knit community.

Related to the matter of the Huckleberry Press, Team Huckleberry is here to help. We are contacting all our partners to find out how the coronavirus is affecting them and to discover what we can do to help. We are actively seeking collaborations with businesses and organizations to create solutions and to help promote whatever projects, non-profits and small businesses that need support. We intend to be an open ear and attentive to the needs of our region. We believe in the beauty of this land and the powerful, generous people that live here. We believe that everyone is included and no one is to be left behind. As a publication we will evolve in whatever ways we must to weather the storm and thrive. As a community-centered enterprise we will do our best to assist those in need. As a team comprised of concerned citizens with deep connections and clients we care about, Team Huckleberry is committed to listening deeply and creating respite from the turmoil. We promise to represent the best of what people have to offer with an eye on solutions that make a real difference.

The Huckleberry Press is the people paper. We are bringing Eastern Washington together…through good times and bad. We are open and request any suggestions you have, resources, connections, projects we need to know about…anything that can forward the mission of economic, regional and the physical health of our community. Call us at 844-344-8344 or email us, or tag us on social media. Point us to ways we can help. We are all in this together. In the final analysis…each other is really all we have.

Eastern Washington…we love and believe in you. We love that we get to work and play and create entirely new opportunities and solutions to vexing problems. Speaking for Team Huckleberry, I’ll say that we are honored to share this world with you. Though we face some tough times ahead, we also know that the shining, strong people of Eastern Washington will rise to the occasion and further reveal kind, generous and compassionate warriors. Together, we can handle this.

With deep love and respect,

Val Mohney
Huckleberry Press Editor

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