Search Results: dennis heinz

Stay Home Order Causes Rise in Food Bank Use

By Huckleberry Press / June 30, 2020 /

The Covid-19 “Stay at Home” order has certainly caused fear, grief and inconvenience for all of us over the last 90 days and will continue in some form for a while at least.

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What does it Mean to Have a “Sweet” Heart?

By Huckleberry Press / February 6, 2020 /

Valentine’s, or “Sweetheart” Day, if you will, falls in the middle of the month, much like your own heart is in the middle of your chest. Your heart is the central point/control unit for the rest of its extensions (veins/arteries). At the start of a potential sweetheart relationship, your heart is healthy and alive and begins to nurture the relationship with extensions like flowers, gifts, and shows of affection.

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How a Heart Attack Saved My Life

By Huckleberry Press / January 9, 2020 /

by Dennis Heinz, Fruitland, WA It has been a very interesting, rewarding and enlightening experience since I dropped meat, dairy, eggs, chicken, pork, seafood, and fast-food and adopted an eating…

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The Hunters Food and Clothing Bank, More Than Just Free Food

By Huckleberry Press / December 10, 2015 /

The Hunters food bank serves well over 100 people in the area of Fruitland, Hunters and Gifford with food, clothing and household needs. Think about this for a moment. What…

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