As a younger youth Logan had duck hunted with his dad Brad and he has always wanted to go elk hunting but hadn’t had the opportunity and then he got sick. Logan learned about Youth Outdoors Unlimited through a social worker who shared Y.O.U.’s hunting opportunity with him. We received Logan’s application about an elk hunt and he was grateful to be chosen for a hunt. This is what Youth Outdoors does. We find kids like Logan who are interested in a hunting or fishing adventure and make it happen!

Youth Outdoors immediately went to work arranging his adventure offered through WDFW Wildlife Conflict Specialist, Scott Whitman and Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Hunting and Gathering Program Manager, Tino Villaluz.
Youth Outdoors outfitted Logan at the Spokane Valley Sportsman’s Warehouse who is a generous sponsor of Y.O.U.’s kids.
In early November Logan, his dad Brad and Y.O.U.’s team headed up to Whatcom County to start his Dream hunting adventure. A private hunt permit was issued by WDFW for farmers in the area that were having trouble with an elk herd and this permit was reserved for Logan.
Tino educated Logan on the elk habits, ways and patterns and he got to watch them play, fight and listen to them bugle. They watched several herds that were causing damage to local farmer’s properties and saw many big bulls that anyone would love the chance to harvest. Logan worked hard to sneak on the elk until he had the opportunity to harvest the elk of his choice.
Logan said it was truly a rare experience to be so close and witness so much and that he hadn’t felt so alive since his cancer diagnosis and treatment. Logan was successful harvesting an elk for the first time in his life and the bonding experience of father and son was so special! We know not everyone believes in hunting but in Logan’s family they always taught the kids it is not for trophy but for food and with that, they will have many pounds of elk meat, sausage and pepperoni sticks provided by Bryan’s Meat Co. in Pasco.
We congratulate Logan on a beautiful Bull Elk. We love Logan for his compassion for all the other children who are fighting cancer. It was an honor to be part of Logan’s first big game harvest and to have him and his parents as the newest part of our Y.O.U. family. We are excited that Logan would like to stay involved helping on other kids trips and giving them an opportunity to enjoy something outside their normal routine of hospitals and treatments.

Logan will be receiving his elk taxidermy mount at our 2019 YOU Spokane Auction Saturday, March 23rd at the Mirabeau Park Hotel. Logan’s mount is being donated by Jeremy Hegel of God’s Creation Taxidermy. Logan was one of 17 youth that received adventures from Y.O.U. in 2018 and the organization is on track (pending funding) to provide 20 new adventures in 2019. Come meet Logan and many of your other local youth who will be going on outdoor adventures in 2019.
For more info on applying for a youth’s adventure, attending an event, donating items, volunteering or being a sponsor, please visit Y.O.U.’s website at or contact Cindy Carpenter, Founder and Executive Director at 509-431-1604 or [email protected]. BE PART OF MAKING A KID’S DREAM COME TRUE!