Huckleberry Press presents Lilac City Live! with Spokane Race Car Driver Gabe Tesch

Check out this inspiring interview with Gabe Tesch, a young man from Spokane who survived cancer at 11 years old and went on to become a race car driver. Despite undergoing surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, Gabe never lost sight of his dream. With the support of his family and a lot of hard work, Gabe went from racing go-karts to competing in the British National Formula Ford Championship for Team Dolan. His story has been captured in a new documentary called “Do Something Extraordinary,” which premieres in Spokane on April 13th. Through his perseverance, Gabe hopes to inspire others to chase their dreams, no matter the obstacles they face. You can get tickets to the premier of “Do Something Extraordinary at You can follow Gabe’s race car driving journey on Facebook at Do Something Extraordinary.