Harrington Fall Festival’s resurgence of its Street Dance Friday night showed locals a good time. Despite the cold, windy weather plus a few sprinkles, the mood was pleasant, and the music upbeat. The Beer Garden was held on the beautiful side lawn of Hotel Lincoln, The Electric Hotel and was well attended by locals and folks from surrounding communities. The Beer Garden raised $667 in donations, which will be matched by the Innovia Grant challenge. Tim Tipton, Harrington Chamber of Commerce President, thought the Street Dance was a success, especially considering the weather. “It’s so gratifying to see hard work by everyone come together in such a way in our community. I have heard nothing but positive comments about the event” he shares with The Huckleberry Press.
The site of the future Harrington Town Square was blocked off to hold the dance venue plus vendors, who were very well received. Julia Jacobsen, Owner of Hazel’s Dozen, catered the open event and completely sold out of food within two hours. She raised $100 in tip donations toward the Town Square project and she plans to match funds, dollar for dollar. She said that the event was “better than expected” and that she “would definitely come again next year.” She also shares on social media, that with the Innovia Grant challenge, “all of that money will be matched again!” Community members are grateful for her generosity and creative thinking to help put together the success of this event.
Alicia Mielke of Superior Produce is a full-time farmer and set up her first Farmers Market booth at the Street Dance. She brought fresh garden bounty and honey from her own bees to offer for sale. Her booth was very popular, with people crowding her table throughout the night. She enjoyed catching up with community members and educating others about her apiary as they purchased her honey. She reports that the Indian Corn and Ornamental Gourds were very popular as well.
DJ Kevin James, of 99.9 Coyote Country kept the mood upbeat and lively with a wonderful mix of classic hits, beloved oldies, and modern favorites. He drew quite a crowd, with many folks out on the street dancing. The youth of Harrington especially enjoyed dancing as a group, front and center, and the adults enjoying dancing surrounding them. Many selfies were taken and shared to social media, and Gavin Wagner designed a beautiful painting depicting the beloved landmarks of Harrington in American Gothic style for those in attendance.

Lamarr and Susan Larmer were busy volunteering their time selling paver bricks and trees and shrubbery to both raise funds for the Town Square and provide opportunities to beautify the space. 4 of the 7 trees that are going into the lot have been sponsored and 2 park benches as well. The Larmer’s proudly showed the design plans for the Plaza, including a silo gazebo and garden space. Those plans can be viewed on Harrington Town Square Facebook Page, as well on Instagram. Progress on the fundraising efforts are also being updated there regularly, and Harrington folk are excitedly awaiting to see the results of their efforts.
Tim Tipton reports that as far the Town Square Project goes, the mason work will begin this week, starting on the remnant brick wall and parapet. On Saturday the 5th, site grading will commence with a local excavator operator, and the 7 trees acquired for the Square will be planted.