Harrington Panthers 2019

by Cassie Nixon

The town of Harrington is buzzing with excitement as the town prepares for its children to return to school from summer vacation. Harvest is winding down for most folks, and the school staff are busy preparing classrooms, finishing their preparations for the upcoming school year, and the building lies ready and waiting for its hallways to be filled with the buzz of school kids of all ages. Most parents have finished school supply shopping and have picked up extra Kleenex and hand sanitizer to see the elementary school teachers through the winter months. Kids have their backpacks and gym shoes ready for a new and fresh start! 

The school also has some fresh faces for the upcoming school year in addition to some goodbyes. After 32 years, dedicated School Bus driver Alan Stone retires and we get ready to welcome 3/4th grade teacher, Ryan Smedley, and new Music teacher for the reestablished program, Robert Vierschilling. These new teachers have joined the community of Harrington to provide quality education to our town’s children. Recently, Vierschilling was part of an event at the Harrington Opera House, An Evening of Classical Guitar, in which funds were raised for and usable instruments donated for the marching band and elective guitar programs for the school. He performed with Mike Edmondson, Stella Stephanie Kosim, and Anton Sinkov, and the group was very well received by the community.  

The school’s Principal, Tiffany Clouse, and Superintendent, Wayne Massie, have also contributed to the greatness of our small and mighty school by receiving a Washington State Recognized School award given by The State Board of Education, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee for “demonstrating exemplary performance or which have made significant progress closing opportunity and achievement gaps in the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF) measures.” They work tirelessly for our students and are always available to meet with parents or students and help provide guidance or reassurance during the struggles of daily school life. 

School Sports are also gearing up! Cross Country and Volleyball practices begin Monday, August 26. Students are encouraged to have their outdoor sports shoes ready and a water bottle on hand. School starts the next day, Tuesday the 27th. The PTA is collecting school supplies through the end of August with the goal of filling new student bags and to help other students who may be needing extra supplies. Donations can be dropped off at Studio 1 on South 3rd street. Suggested Items are notebook paper, pencils, pens, rulers, markers, folders, etc. They are asking parents to pick up an extra item or two if they are out and about while local stores have these items available for purchase.

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