Huckleberry Country

Opening Up the Columbia

By Huckleberry Press / August 8, 2020 /

The first strike of gold in the West Kootenay was by Winslow and Osner Hall’s party of 15 in the summer of 1866.

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Spokane Valley’s Very Own Renaissance Man

By Huckleberry Press / July 29, 2020 /

The definition of Renaissance man is a person with many talents or areas of knowledge. For one Spokane Valley Renaissance man, that definition barely scratches the surface.

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By Huckleberry Press / June 20, 2020 /

It’s an odd thing, I don’t know what to worry about anymore. At first it was whether or not my family of six washed our hands eleventy thousand times a day.

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The Other Mother

By Huckleberry Press / May 15, 2020 /

Family is not predicated by blood. We all have that neighbor, friend, boss, mentor or lover that feels like home.

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Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?

By Huckleberry Press / May 14, 2020 /

Recently, in the wonderful life of pandemic parenting and schooling from home (snicker snicker), I found myself on Google trying to relearn how to determine the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom.

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The Plant and the Hippo

By Huckleberry Press / May 5, 2020 /

At first it appeared that Tanner was happy again, staying busy and spending more time with friends, but Hill and I often discussed our apprehensions. And then we saw it.

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Getting Grounded

By Huckleberry Press / May 1, 2020 /

It is garden season and with that brings excitement and, in my case, trepidation. Will the earwigs move to the moistened mulch from their cozy home in the basement bathroom?

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The Forest for The Trees

By Huckleberry Press / April 10, 2020 /

No one needs to tell you the world is changing. The novel coronavirus took a swift journey around the world in mere months and by the first week of March the United States was beginning to truly feel its effects.

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By Huckleberry Press / April 10, 2020 /

Tendrils of what is going on in our world are tightening their twist around the daily workings of our lives.

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Unproductive Pandemic Parenting

By Huckleberry Press / April 9, 2020 /

A friend called today from across the country. She felt frustrated. Isolated at home because of the virus…

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