Underneath some of the furriest faces in town beat the biggest hearts. Men (and women) meet monthly to socialize and plan charitable events in Spokane. This social group brings huge heart to what they do. The Spokane Beard and Mustache Club organize and participate in several local beard competitions and they even host their own in October. Each competition has several categories that can vary from competition to competition. Some of them can include Executive Beard, 12 inch, Mustache, Extreme Beard. And each face that comes is eligible to compete. Not able to grow facial hair? Not a problem. Member Tim Martin states, “Every face is competition worthy.”

You can bring your “competition face” to the Spokane Motorcycle Show on Saturday March 13th at 3pm. The Club is hosting The Beard and Mustache Competition, which is open to the public. Bragging rights and prizes to be awarded! You can sign up at the show on Friday or Saturday to compete in the following categories: Mustache, Partial Beard, Beard Over 8″, and Beard Under 8″. The competition is only $5 and all proceeds benefit the Teen & Kid Closet.
Although the group is social, at its heart is a calling to service and philanthropy, supporting the Spokane community. Each year, an organization is selected for sponsorship. Over the past 8 years the club has raised $111,000. For 2020 the club has selected Teen and Kid Closet as their charity for the year.
Teen & Kid Closet caters to children and youth in need, providing them with fashionable, good quality clothing and accessories for free. Teen and Kid Closet is all about dignity for an often-overlooked population, children in need. The idea is simple according to the the TKC website, “We give new or gently used clothing to children who need it. Our focus is youth in foster care or in poverty.”
TKC is a brick and mortar shop in Spokane, serving all of eastern WA and North ID. Every shopper, from babies to young adults are welcome to the free shop. Each child has to be referred by someone of authority: social worker, school counselor, etc.
The main fundraising will come from the Epic Beard Competition on October 10th. Folks are expected to come from Canada, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, California, Western Washington, Utah, and Texas. The competition will be held at the Pin, 412 W. Sprague Ave. on October 10, 2020. Those who wish to compete can register at a discounted rate in advance for $25 before the competition. You can also register at the door for $30. Spectator tickets are only $10. There will be raffle tickets available. Categories for 2020 competition include: Business Beard 3″ and under, Full Beard Under 6″, Full Beard 6″ – 12″, Styled Mustache, Creative Build-A-Beard, Realistic Build-A-Beard, Natural Mustache, Partial Beard, Freestyle, Couples, Full Beard Styled Mustache, and Full Beard Over 12″.
For those interested in assisting for the event or finding more about what this big-hearted group of all comers is up to, they meet the last Thursday of every month at the Viking to gather, socialize and plan events. Check out their Facebook page for upcoming events and meetings facebook.com/SpokaneBeardMustache
For more information on donating, volunteering, or services provided by Teen & Kid Closet you can visit them online at www.teenkidcloset.org.