Search Results: Glenn Kennedy

“A Lenten Reflection…Life”

By Huckleberry Press / March 29, 2021 /

Many years ago, twenty of them to be exact, I spent a most unusual night in my barn. I had a mare that was showing signs that the foul she had been carrying for eleven months was about to get born.

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Blessed are those who have pure hearts

By Huckleberry Press / January 14, 2021 /

Pastor Geoff’s recent sermon on the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) sparked a memory moment for me that I will pass along.

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The Gifts of Provision

By Huckleberry Press / October 18, 2020 /

At the beginning of my faith walk my spiritual mentor and friend, a student minister named Frank Meyer, got me started in a scripture memory program offered by the “Navigators Ministry”.

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Concerning Grace and Zucchini

By Huckleberry Press / September 11, 2020 /

The other day Carol and I were listening to a news piece giving an update on the race for developing a vaccine for Covid-19. It was mentioned that the Microsoft Giant, Bill Gates had just donated 350 million dollars to the effort.

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Hanging on at the Hunters Community Fair

By Huckleberry Press / July 24, 2020 /

When I turned seven my time of living fulltime with my Grandparents had come to an end. I think maybe my Grandfather, Charles Boyd, was trying to hurry and squeeze in some life lessons he thought I was going to need.

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