Search Results: Amber Jensen

New Book by Local Author Amber Jensen: This is Dirt

By Huckleberry Press / November 30, 2017 /

Amber Jensen is a lifelong writer and storyteller. She has built her word muscles day-jobbing as a content strategist and copywriter for a creative branding firm. Working the angles of…

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Christmas Tree Magic

By Huckleberry Press / December 23, 2022 /
Christmas Tree Magic

C.W. Tenderheart was a boy of adventure and wonder. He lived and danced among the spirits of the trees and the voice of the wind. He woke to the song of the sun and birds and his little heart brimmed full when the Christmas season came around.

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Tacky Tree

By Huckleberry Press / December 22, 2022 /
reindeer ornament

Once upon a time I thought I might be one of those people who matched their gift wrapping to their Christmas tree trimmings. I don’t know why I thought I was that person but my ideas of coordinating bows and lights, garland and beads, soon disintegrated.

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Wellness in the Woods

By Huckleberry Press / June 20, 2022 /

The burning of hamstrings and calf muscles as I hike the incline through a visual wasteland seems a bit extreme. The way my ankles threaten to give out and roll as I side hill the sloughing decomposed granite feels a bit over the top. Snorting one more freshly hatched flying insect up my nostril could easily be a last straw moment. And it’s not.

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Four benefits landscaping with native plants

By Huckleberry Press / May 16, 2022 /

Eastern Washington is home to many diverse ecosystems and so many native plants supporting those ecosystems. From wetlands to prairie, forest to channeled scablands, there are flourishing ecosystems chock full of plants that are well adapted to their environment.

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Stitching Together Community

By Huckleberry Press / April 2, 2022 /
Windsong School logo

Nestled on Spokane’s lush Makagawa campus is a dreamy little school. If you’re near the Spokane River trails on any given Friday, you’ll see children from ages 3 to 12, geared up for our inland northwest weather, on their weekly hike down to the River. Rain or shine these children trek, guided by their teachers, to endure the weather and revel in the treasures our area and nature has to offer.

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Meet Spokane Author Amy McGarry

By Huckleberry Press / March 11, 2022 /
Amy McGarry

Eastern Washington is home to many talented and creative writers. The romantic landscapes, rich history, and cozy communities of our region are the perfect nest for creative talent.

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Pollen Swirls and Holding Community

By Huckleberry Press / May 13, 2021 /

by Amber Jensen Ponderosa Pine pollen drifts and swirls in eddies around the parking lot. A few puddles of lingering spring choke beneath the buttery yellow film. It’s almost summer,…

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Feel, grieve, grow

By Huckleberry Press / December 7, 2020 /

My Gran turned 90 years old in October. She’s had 90 years of human experience.

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Resilience and Volunteer Pumpkins

By Huckleberry Press / October 5, 2020 /

I planted pumpkins this year. Started little seedlings in the house and they pushed up through the black soil in, tiny pots, sitting on the dining room floor by the window.

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