Produce Sharing and Peach Streusel Muffins

by Elizabeth Dengler

Elizabeth Dengler

When we went under contract for the purchase of our house last year, my husband and I fantasized about all the fruit trees, flowers and vegetables we could plant and harvest. Fast forward to one growing season, multiple soil tests, countless tilling, and forever mulching later only to discover all that we wanted to plant won’t grow in our dirt. Insert face palm here. Gone are the dreams of cherries, peaches, plums and peonies. What is a girl to do? Well, something happened that I wasn’t expecting. The garden we did grow was very successful at yielding cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and mint. It was so successful that any time guests came to visit I sent them away with a bag of said veggies and herbs. This got me thinking about the possibility of garden sharing or produce swapping. In other words, having friends with gardens or fruit trees willing to trade some of their abundance with the abundance of my produce.

My dear friends gave me the most wonderful peaches I’ve ever eaten last summer, which led me to make the most wonderful Peach Streusel Muffins, a recipe that I found on Sally’s Baking Addiction: and you can find reprinted below. It was so wonderful, I made no changes! I will forever trade veggies, herbs and baked goods for peaches! So, consider planting a little extra of what grows phenomenally at your house and swap them with friends, neighbors, fellow community members who grow what you can’t.

I’d love to hear about how you share what you grow so we can share with our readers! At my church we always had a “Harvest Table” where gardeners could bring in their surplus and members could take what they needed. There are many ways of sharing, what do you do? I’ll be happy to trade you some of the muffins below for a box of peaches (or cherries, or plums, or peonies).

Peach Streusel Muffins

By Sally’s Baking Addiction
Crumb Topping:
1/3 cup (67g) packed light or dark brown sugar
1 Tablespoon (15g) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup (60g) unsalted butter, melted
2/3 cup (84g) all-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, softened to room tem perature
1/2 cup (100g) packed light or dark brown sugar 1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar
2 large eggs, room temperature
1/2 cup (120g) yogurt*
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 and 3/4 cups (219g) all-purpose flour (spoon & lev eled)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons (45ml) milk, at room temperature
1 and 1/2 cups peeled, chopped peaches (3 small peaches)*
1 cup (120g) confectioners’ sugar
3 Tablespoons (45ml) heavy cream (or milk for a less creamy texture)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

First, make the crumb topping: In a medium bowl, combine both sugars, the cinnamon, and melted butter. Using a rubber spatula, stir in the flour. The crumb topping will be thick and crumbly. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 425°F (218°C). Spray a 12-count muffin pan with nonstick spray. Set aside.

Make the muffins: In a medium bowl using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter on high speed until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute. Add the brown sugar and granulated sugar and beat on high until creamed, about 2 full minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed. Add the eggs, yogurt, and vanilla extract. Beat on medium speed for 1 minute, then turn up to high speed until the mixture is combined and uniform in texture. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.

In a large bowl, toss together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, all-spice, and salt. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and slowly mix with a whisk. Add the milk, gently whisking until combined and little lumps remain. Fold in the peaches with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
Spoon the muffin batter evenly between all 12 muffin tins. There may be enough to make a 13th muffin in a 2nd batch, depending if there were a few extra peach chunks thrown in. Fill the muffin tins until they are full all the way up to the top. Press a handful of the crumb topping into the top of each; crumble it with your hands to make some big chunks.

Bake for 5 minutes at 425°F (218°C), then keeping the muffins in the oven, lower the oven temperature to 350°F (177°C) and bake for 15-19 more minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Make the glaze: whisk all of the ingredients together and drizzle over warm muffins.
Make Ahead & Freezing Instructions: Muffins stay soft, fresh, and moist in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Muffins freeze well for up to 2 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator and heat up (if desired) before enjoying.
Yogurt: Use your favorite yogurt; I prefer low fat plain Greek yogurt but regular (not Greek) would be just fine. Try with apple flavored, vanilla, honey, nonfat, or full fat. Sour cream works as well.
Peaches: You can use chopped frozen peaches – do not thaw.
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