Hometown Hero – Rick Clark

Photographer Chris Thompson captures the spirit of Rick Clark and #GivingBackPacks

What’s it take to be a Hometown Hero?


You have to get it on the court. Meet and be with people where and how they are. Actively look for what will make a difference and don’t let the status quo get in the way.


Martin Luther King observed, “it is a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”


Rick Clark of Spokane is the guy that gets folks the boots, or in this case…backpacks half-filled with clothing, toiletries, food and other essentials, allowing space for people to fill with their own possessions.


His Facebook group, Giving Back Packs, has given out over 2100 backpacks to the homeless in Spokane.


Once homeless himself, he knows firsthand the challenge of going without. Improving one’s life while having little resource is a special kind of challenge. For example, schooling didn’t always come easy.  Rick said, “I realized I was so far behind in my grades because I was always hungry.” Since 2015, Rick has gone back to school. With help from the food bank at Spokane Community College and Second Harvest Inland Northwest, he is now finishing his bachelor’s degree at Gonzaga University.


What is remarkable about Rick is his can-do, always smiling demeanor. Hope is a big element of change. Rick brings a non-judgemental attitude, a tender loving back-pack full of care and ray of hope where most needed.


Rick is up to a lot more than we have room to highlight. In a world that can sometimes seem challenging and hopeless, Rick shows us that anyone, with an idea, willingness, and some effort can make a meaningful difference.



Heeling Hands Massage LLC & The Huckleberry Press are proud to bring you the  Hometown Heroes feature. One worthy individual, nominated by the community and best representing the spirit of a Hometown Hero, is chosen each month to receive a free one-hour massage by Brianna Oleson at Heeling Hands Massage in Reardan, WA. Do you know someone who exemplifies what it means to be a Hometown Hero? A fantastic firefighter? A terrific teacher? A community member whose love for their town is easily seen and demonstrated? Tell us who you think deserves a one hour massage and why! Send your nominations to brianna@huckleberrypress.com by the 1st of each month and watch for the next Hometown Hero announcement!


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