willa condy
Many people in 2020 got a dog for company in our bubbles. As the world starts to open up again people are dealing with how to re-socialize their furry little buddies into a world with less social distancing.
Read MoreEvery year we hurry to find the perfect gift or card for our mothers on Mother’s Day. In Canada and the US Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
Read MoreIn the mornings I love taking my coffee and sitting on the porch listening to the birds. Their songs break up the quiet of the morning. This is the first sign that spring has arrived. As the days get longer and warmer we start to get itchy to get gardening.
Read MoreWith warmer weather more of us are venturing out to enjoy nature and taking our dogs for long walks. But also out in the grass are ticks.
Read MoreBen Franklin is remembered for so many great ideas and sayings. One of his inventions had a lasting impact for shoppers. That is the catalog.
Read More1927 had been a rough year for Mrs. Lizzie Brown. A widow, raising two small children with help from her older kids Lizzie had her hands full.
Read MoreGrowing up we had several traditions that we did every year. Well, some of our traditions didn’t start out as such, they evolved into traditions over time.
Read MoreChristmas was always special when I was a kid. My folks were both creative, my mother with her sewing and my father always had a project on down in his basement woodworking shop.
Read More2020 started as most years do. The Better Half and I started planning out our next great adventures. Every year we plan out what exciting trips we would like to do.
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